Refund History API
Returns a list of all refunds.
Querying the RefundHistory endpoint without providing filters will return all refunds submitted from your account.
Query Params
Parameter Name | Parameter ID | Example Value | Data Type | Max Char. Length Range | Required | Description |
Username | username_loginto | [username] | string | 255 | Yes | API Username |
Password | password_loginto | [password] | string | 255 | Yes | API Password |
Payment ID | filter_payment_id | 215279 | integer | - | No | Filter results by Payment ID |
Refund Request ID | filter_refund_id | 1255.32 | integer | - | No | Filter results by Refund Request ID |
Response Examples
XML Response Breakdown
Field Name | Field Type | Parent Element | Return Value | Data Type | Max Length / Range | Description |
root | Element | - | - | - | - | The root/parent element. |
operation | Element | root | - | - | - | Contains the operation related information. |
type | Element | operation | Refund History | string | 15 | The Request Type. |
result | Element | operation | ok, failure | string | 7 | The Request Status result.
ok - The request was successful and you can continue paring the XML response. Please note that, error_code, error_message and field_id elements are not returned if the result is "ok". failure - There was an error and you should not parse the XML response any further. The error_code, error_message and field_id elements will be returned in the operation element, which can be used to determine what caused the error. |
error_code | Element | operation | Integer Number | integer | 0 - 10000 | The error code. |
error_message | Element | operation | String - Error Message | string | 255 | The error message. |
field_id | Element | operation | String - Field Name | string | 50 | The field_id contains the parameter name which is causing the error. |
datetime | Element | operation | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZ | string | 30 | The date & time of the response in ISO 8601 format. Example: 2025-02-07T10:36:09+00:00 |
refunds | Element | root | - | - | - | Refunds wrapper element. |
total | Attribute | refunds | Integer Number | integer | - | The total number of refunds which match the filters criteria |
refund | Element | refunds | - | - | - | Refund wrapper element |
id | Attribute | refund | Integer Number | integer | - | The ID appointed by Transfermate for the current refund request. |
id | Element | refund | Integer Number | integer | - | The ID appointed by Transfermate for the current refund request. |
payment_id | Element | refund | Integer Number | integer | - | The Payment ID / Transaction ID for which the refund was requested. |
amount | Element | refund | Decimal Number | float | - | The Refund Amount |
currency | Element | refund | ISO 4217 currency code | string | 3 | The Refund Currency |
status_id | Element | refund | 0 - 3 | integer | 1 | The Status ID
0 - Registered
1 - In Progress 2 - Completed 3 - Cancelled |
status | Element | refund | Registered In Progress Completed Cancelled |
string | 9 - 11 | The Status Name |
authoriser_name | Element | refund | As provided in the Refund request | string | 200 | The Authorizer's Name, as provided in the Refund request. |
authoriser_email | Element | refund | As provided in the Refund request | string | 100 | The Authorizer's Email address, as provided in the Refund request. |
reason | Element | refund | As provided in the Refund request | string | 250 | The Refund Reason, as provided in the Refund request. |
date_requested | Element | refund | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZ | string | 30 | The date & time of the refund request in ISO 8601 format. Example: 2021-06-01T15:10:40+00:00 (1st of June, 2021 @ 3:10pm UTC) |
instructions | Element | refund | HTML | text | ranges between 500 - 5,000 characters | The Refund Payment Instructions and Bank Account Details. The instructions are also sent via email to the Refund Authoriser Email that was provided in the Refund request. Please note that the length of the payment instructions will vary and may exceed the Max Length value. |