Countries API




Returns a list with all available countries.

Query Params

Parameter ID Example Value Data Type Max Char. Length Range Required Description
username_loginto [username] string 255 Yes API Username
password_loginto [password] string 255 Yes API Password
Sorting Parameters
sort_by name string 10 No The field that should be used in the sorting function.
Accepted values: name, iso_2_code, iso_3_code
sort_order ASC string 4 No Sorts the results in ascending or descending order.
Accepted Values: ASC, DESC

Response Examples

XML Response Breakdown

Field Name Field Type Parent Element Return Value Data Type Max Length / Range Description
root Element - - - - The root/parent element.
operation Element root - - - Contains the operation related information.
type Element operation Countries string 15 The Request Type.
result Element operation ok, failure string 7 The Request Status result.

ok - The request was successful and you can continue paring the XML response. Please note that, error_code, error_message and field_id elements are not returned if the result is "ok".

failure - There was an error and you should not parse the XML response any further. The error_code, error_message and field_id elements will be returned in the operation element, which can be used to determine what caused the error.
error_code Element operation Integer Number integer 0 - 10000 The error code.
error_message Element operation String - Error Message string 255 The error message.
field_id Element operation String - Field Name string 50 The field_id contains the parameter name which is causing the error.
datetime Element operation YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZ string 30 The date & time of the response in ISO 8601 format.
Example: 2025-02-07T11:07:17+00:00
countries Element root - - - Countries wrapper element
total Attribute countries Integer Number integer 0 - 200 The total number of supported countries by Transfermate.
sort_by Attribute countries name iso_2_code iso_3_code string 10 Indicates which field was used to sort the results.
sort_order Attribute countries asc desc string 4 The order of the results.
country Element countries - - - Country wrapper element
code Attribute country ISO 3166-2 country code string 2 The ISO 3166-2 country code.
name Element country Country Name string 50 The country name
iso_2_code Element country ISO 3166-2 country code string 2 The ISO 3166-2 country code.
iso_3_code Element country ISO 3166-3 country code string 3 The ISO 3166-3 country code.