Invoice Payment History API




Returns a list of all transactions.

Querying the InvoiceHistory endpoint without providing filters will return all payments submitted from your account.

Query Params

Parameter ID Example Value Data Type Max Char. Length Range Required Description
username_loginto [username] string 255 Yes API Username
password_loginto [password] string 255 Yes API Password
Payment Related Parameters
filter_payment_id - integer - No Filter by Payment ID
This ID is generated by the Transfermate system
when you call the InvoicePayment request.
filter_invoice_number - string 100 No Filter by Invoice Number
filter_company_unique_id - string 255 No Filter by Company Unique ID
filter_company_name - string 100 No Filter by Company Name
filter_bank_account_id - integer - No Filter by Beneficiary Bank Account ID
filter_request_id - string 255 No Filter by Request ID
filter_order_id - string 128 No Filter by Order ID
filter_payment_method_id - string 0 - 100 No Filter by Payment Method ID
filter_adi_id - string 255 No Filter by ADI ID
filter_org_id - string 255 No Filter by ORG ID
filter_payment_status 0,1,2,3 string 255 No Filter by Payment / Transaction Status.
Separate values using comma to combine multiple statuses.
Transfermate Payment Statuses IDs:
0 - Registered
1 - Pending
2 - Paid
3 - Inactive
filter_registered_date_from [date] string 30 No Filter by Registration Date (From)
filter_registered_date_to [date] string 30 No Filter by Registration Date (To)
filter_paid_date_from [date] string 30 No Filter by Paid Date (From)
filter_paid_date_to [date] string 30 No Filter by Paid Date (To)
filter_status_updated_from [date] string 30 No Filter by Status Updated Date (From)
filter_status_updated_to [date] string 30 No Filter by Status Updated Date (To)
All date/time parameters accepts the folowing date/time formats
Format Example
YYYY-MM-DD 2025-02-07
DD-MM-YYYY 07-02-2025
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss 2025-02-07 10:02:03
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss 2025-02-07T10:02:03
DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss 07-02-2025 10:02:03
DD-MM-YYYYThh:mm:ss 07-02-2025T10:02:03
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssTZAbbr 2025-02-07 10:02:03PST
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZAbbr 2025-02-07T10:02:03PST
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssTZ 2025-02-07 10:02:03-0800
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZ 2025-02-07T10:02:03-0800
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssTZ(:) 2025-02-07 10:02:03-08:00
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZ(:) 2025-02-07T10:02:03-08:00

Response Examples

XML Response Breakdown

Field Name Field Type Parent Element Return Value Data Type Max Length / Range Description
root Element - - - - The root/parent element.
operation Element root - - - Contains the operation related information.
type Element operation Payment History string 15 The Request Type.
result Element operation ok, failure string 7 The Request Status result.

ok - The request was successful and you can continue paring the XML response. Please note that, error_code, error_message and field_id elements are not returned if the result is "ok".

failure - There was an error and you should not parse the XML response any further. The error_code, error_message and field_id elements will be returned in the operation element, which can be used to determine what caused the error.
error_code Element operation Integer Number integer 0 - 10000 The error code.
error_message Element operation String - Error Message string 255 The error message.
field_id Element operation String - Field Name string 50 The field_id contains the parameter name which is causing the error.
datetime Element operation YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZ string 30 The date & time of the response in ISO 8601 format.
Example: 2025-02-07T10:02:03+00:00
payments Element root - - - Payments wrapper element
total Attribute payments Integer Number integer - The total number of payments matching the filters criteria.
payment Element payments - - - Payment wrapper element
id Attribute payment Integer Number integer - The Payment / Transaction ID appointed by Transfermate for this payment.
id Element payment Integer Number integer - The Payment / Transaction ID appointed by Transfermate for this payment.
order_id Element payment As provided in the InvoicePayment request string 128 The Order ID that was provided in the InvoicePayment request.
status Element payment Registered
string 20 The current Payment Status.
Registered - The payment was registered in the TM system.
Pending - Pending funds to be received into TM bank account.
Paid - TM received the funds and the amount was settled into the client's bank account.
Inactive - The transaction was cancelled/declined.
status_id Element payment 0
integer 0 - 3 The current Payment Status ID.
0 - Registered
1 - Pending
2 - Paid
3 - Inactive
third_party_status Element payment Waiting
string 10 The value is set If the payment was processed via third party payment processor.

Empty value - The payment wasn't processed via third party or the payer wasn't redirected to the redirect_url yet.
Waiting - Waiting for the payer to complete the payment in the third party platform, e.g. China Union Pay, Alipay, WeChat, etc.
Refused - The payment was refused by the PSP or card acquirer.
Successful - The payment was successful.
Cancelled - The Payer cancelled the payment.
Pending - This status is set when the result of an APM transaction isn't immediately known. Usually resolves to either Successful or Cancelled status in few hours.
third_party_status_id Element payment 0
integer 0 - 4 0 - Waiting
1 - Refused
2 - Successful
3 - Cancelled
4 - Pending
method Element payment As provided in the InvoicePayment request string 50 The Payment Method which was used to process the payment.
Derived from the Payment Method ID provided in the InvoicePayment request.
method_id Element payment As provided in the InvoicePayment request integer 0 - 1000 The Payment Method ID.
purpose Element payment As provided in the InvoicePayment request string 255 The payment purpose, provided in the InvoicePayment request.
reference_number Element payment PREFIX + Invoice Number string 1 - 100 The reference number appointed by Transfermate for this payment.
It is usually a combination of the subdomain + Invoice Number.
Example: TEST-XML-SERVICE12345678
foreign_amount Element payment Currency Code + Payer's local amount string - The Payer local currency and payment amount.
payable_amount Element payment Currency Code + Invoice amount string - The original invoice amount as provided in the InvoicePayment request.
paid_amount Element payment Currency Code + Paid amount string - The actual settled amount into the beneficiary's bank account.
invoice_number Element payment As provided in the InvoicePayment request string 100 The Invoice Number as provided in the InvoicePayment request.
beneficiary_name Element payment The Beneficiary Name string - The Beneficiary Name
bank_account_id Element payment As provided in the InvoicePayment request integer - The Beneficiary Bank Account ID as provided in the InvoicePayment request.
company_name Element payment As provided in the InvoicePayment request string 100 Company Name as provided in the InvoicePayment request.
company_unique_id Element payment As provided in the InvoicePayment request string 255 The unique identifier of the company as provided in the InvoicePayment request.
request_id Element payment As provided in the InvoicePayment request string 255 The Request ID, provided in the InvoicePayment request.
adi_id Element payment As provided in the InvoicePayment request string 255 ADI_ID parameter, provided in the InvoicePayment request.
org_id Element payment As provided in the InvoicePayment request string 255 ORG_ID parameter, provided in the InvoicePayment request.
registered_date Element payment YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZ string 30 The date & time when the payment was registered in the TM system.
pending_date Element payment YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZ string 30 The date & time if the payment was set to Pending status in the TM system.
paid_date Element payment YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZ string 30 The date & time if the payment was set to Paid status in the TM system.
inactive_date Element payment YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZ string 30 The date & time if the payment was set to Inactive status in the TM system.
status_updated_date Element payment YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZ string 30 The date & time of the last status update.